Contact Legislators
Contact the Governor and Legislators
Call, email, and write to local, state, and federal legislators. Not sure what to say? Consider downloading our Fact Sheet for calls or letters to ensure that your voice is heard.
- Governor Phil Murphy, 609-292-6000 (Select topic: “Environment” And sub-Topic: “Clean Energy”)
- US Congressman Jeff Van Drew, 202-225-6572
- Senator Vincent Polistina, 609-677-8266
- Assemblyman Don Guardian, 609-677-8266
- U.S. Senator Cory Booker, 202-224-3224 (Enter your first name and then select topic “Environment”)
People who are not New Jersey (District 2) residents should reach out to their respective State Congressmen for their local Districts.
Sign the Petition
Sign the petition Protect Our Coast NJ! at – and encourage others to sign, too, so our voices will be heard. Remember, our power is in the number of concerned residents regarding this wind farm project. We have close to 500,000 signatures!!
(Please note that this petition is located on platform and if you would like to donate to Defend Brigantine Beach, please do so through our donation links. Any donations made through Change.Org DO NOT GO TO Defend Our Beaches for fighting this project.) Go to our website and click on the “Donations” Tab

Tell these Federal and State Government organizations that the industrial wind farm projects built by Atlantic Shores, Attentive Energy, Leading Light Energy, and Orsted will do irreversible damage to our oceans and beach communities. We have provided links to contact them below:
Follow Us On Social Media
Visit our social media and interact with our posts, reposts, comments, and tweets. Use our Social Media to drive supporters to Defend Our Beaches New Jersey. This amplifies our message to reach a wider audience. Tell all of your friends to do the same.
Display A Sign and Flyers
Help us raise awareness of this critical issue. Download this Fact Sheet, distribute it around town, and share it with your friends and neighbors. If you are interested in receiving other Defend Brigantine Beach merchandise items for a donation, contact Cindy Pekarick.

Volunteer to help make a difference. We need help with administrative, marketing, public relations, social media, and research support. Fill out our Contact Information on the Home Page and let us know how you can support us and your specialty.