Our Mission
As a result of misleading information and lack of public awareness regarding the proposed wind Atlantic Shores and Orsted industrial wind farm projects off of the Brigantine coastline, we formed Defend Brigantine Beach on December 18, 2022 to educate the community about the offshore wind projects and their associated impacts to the environment, marine life, tourism, the seashore economies, and the health and well-being of our community residents and visitors. We followed up by forming Defend Brigantine Beach, Inc. — a not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization allowing tax-deductible donations. We are registered under this name in the State of New Jersey
In January of 2024 we added the townships of Atlantic City, Ventnor, Margate, and Longport, NJ (known as Downbeach) to our fight against industrial offshore wind in New Jersey. Orsted and Atlantic Shores were the two companies with leases off of the New Jersey coast. Orsted has since suspended their operations, hopefully due to the litigation we filed against them and the State of New Jersey providing up to $1B in Federal Tax Credits as a bail-out at taxpayers’ expense. Atlantic Shores is still active. Now, with the addition two new wind turbine contracts off or our New Jersey coastline awarded in xxx 2024 by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU) to include Attentive Energy and Leading Light Energy we have once again expanded our reach to all of the municipalities in Atlantic County.
Due to our expansion, our organization, now known as Defend Our Beaches New Jersey continues, along with collaboration and support from other NJ Municipalities, as well as Cape May, Ocean, and Monmouth Counties, to stop the Federal and NJ State planned industrial offshore wind projects, which we believe will devastate our beach experiences, local economies, commercial and recreational fishing, and the offshore marine environment, while significantly raising our utility rates and local taxes.
We also work very hard to inform and educate our local, county, State, and Federal New Jersey officials on the detrimental effects that offshore wind energy will have on our communities. We now have two website addresses that you can use to contact us. Both links will take you to our website:

We are a non-partisan, mission-driven, grassroots coalition supported by thousands of concerned New Jersey shore homeowners, elected officials, business owners, and visitors.
We are proponents of a responsible and sensible approach to green and alternative/renewable energy solutions.
However, we are opposed to the size, scope, location, and potentially devastating impacts on our ocean and community that this project will have as currently proposed by New Jersey industrial offshore wind development companies.
Our Organization
Defend Brigantine Beach Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization serving Brigantine, New Jersey.
Defend Brigantine Beach Inc. is a registered charity in the State of New Jersey soliciting donations to fund awareness campaigns.
Our all-volunteer coalition comprises Atlantic County homeowners, residents, business owners, and friends with diverse backgrounds.
We care deeply about the future of our beautiful island and surrounding towns.
Leadership Team Members Include:
Board of Directors
- Kate Finnegan:501c3 President and Chairperson/Communications Lead; kate@defendbrigantinebeach.org
- Lisa Diadone: 501c3 Vice-President & Vice Chairperson/Social Media lisa@defendbrigantinebeach.org
- SuzanneMoore:501c3 Treasurer / Research suzanne@defendbrigantinebeach.org
- Tom Jones:501c3 Secretary; tom@defendbrigantinebeach.org
- Cindy Pekarick: Trustee; cindy@defendbrigantinebeach.org
Committee Chairs
- Brooks Garrison: Public Information/Marketing; information@defendbrigantinebeach.org
- Sherri Lillienfeld: Communications & Community Awareness; Downbeach Coordinator; communications@defendbrigantinebeach.org
- Keith Moore: Government Affairs & External Relations; keith@defendbrigantinebeach.org
- Cindy Pekarick; Events/Community Ambassador volunteers@defendbrigantinebeach.org
- Margie Reale: Downbeach Events/Volunteers; downbeach@defendbrigantinebeach.org
- Will Wright: Fundraising/Merchandise; fundraising@defendbrigantinebeach.org
Our Goal is Focused
Defend Our Beaches New Jersey aims to protect the natural seashore, the ocean, marine life, and the economic lifeblood of Brigantine and surrounding communities by stopping Atlantic Shores, Orsted, Attentive Energy, and Leading Light offshore wind energy development companies from the industrialization and destruction of our oceans, and the significant damage to our tourism and economic well being.
Accomplishments to Date
Accomplishments to Date
- We filed litigation (Lawsuit #1) on June 9, 2023, against the NJ Department of Environmental Protection and Orsted in the NJ Appeals Court challenging that the agency violated the NJ Coastal Zone Management Act. The appeal was filed yesterday by Save LBI, Defend Brigantine Beach and Protect Our Coast NJ challenging the State’s April 27, 2023, approval of the vast federal offshore wind program. In papers filed in New Jersey’s Superior Court, the groups said that each Orsted industrial wind turbine will be at least 850 feet in height (with their blades, nearly as tall as the Empire State Building), will sit only 10 miles off New Jersey’s beaches and will crush and destroy the seabed, each tower weighing up to five million pounds. “DEP acknowledged in its approval of this program that the wind turbines will destroy marine habitat, harden and compress the seafloor, destroy marine communities, cause commercial fishing stocks to decline and injure the beach economy, ” said Bruce Afran, attorney for the three groups. “Yet, the State persists in the bizarre belief that this vast industrial project will not injure our state’s coastal zone, one of the most important marine communities on the East Coast,” he added.
- We filed litigation (Lawsuit #2) on July 23, 2023, against the State of New Jersey and Orsted seeking declaratory and injunctive relief vacating NJ Assembly Bill A5651 as unconstitutional special legislation in violation of the New Jersey Constitution because it provides approximately $1.4 Billion in Federal tax credits solely to a single offshore wind developer. The Complaint also seeks declaratory relief that A5651 is unconstitutional as illegal interference by the Legislature in a contract between Orsted and NJ Board of Public Utilities (BPU) for which plaintiff ratepayers are the intended beneficiaries and a violation of the ratepayers’ due process rights. The lawsuit was filed by Defend Brigantine Beach and Protect Our Coast NJ.
- NOTE: Orsted subsequently decided not to suspend operations with their project ( we believe in part, as a result of our Lawsuits 1 and 2). In December of 2023 Defend Brigantine Beach withdrew the Orsted Rate Payer Subsidies and Ocean Wind 1 CZMA Consistency Finding Legal Actions without Prejudice.
- We were prepared to file another lawsuit against the Bureau of Ocean and Environmental Management challenging the release for the Orsted/BOEM Final Environmental Impact Statement and subsequent Army Core or Engineers Record of Decision should Orsted have continued with their Ocean Wind 1 program. We may also consider this for the Atlantic Shores South Program.
- We filed litigation (Lawsuit #3) on March 5th, 2024, against the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) in NJ Appellate Court. The appeals challenge the legality of two recent NJBPU Orders granting Offshore Wind Renewable Energy Certificate (OREC) contracts to offshore wind project developers Attentive Energy LLC and Leading Light Wind LLC. The BPU has conducted its solicitations and award of contracts to offshore wind developers in secrecy with no opportunity for public involvement until they issue a final order. Even then the basis for its decision is hidden from public view with the most critical information redacted from the public record. The lawsuit was filed by Defend Brigantine Beach and Protect Our Coast NJ.
- On March 29, 2024, we provided the NJBPU with written notification that we will not tolerate any re-bids of existing contracts that Atlantic Shores 1 has signed with the State, as well as pointing out several deficiencies in the state’s offshore wind solicitation process. Using an economic analysis from Whitestrand Consulting the report indicates that any new contract for Atlantic Shores 1 awarded in NJBPU Solicitation #4 will burden ratepayers with significantly higher above-market prices. Despite NJBPU’s demonstrated incompetence for procuring offshore wind energy from foreign developers, here it stands again soliciting more offshore wind energy projects while also allowing those that failed the first time around to re-bid. These solicitations and award of contracts are done in secrecy, ignoring public comment, until they issue a final order. Residential ratepayer and businesses could see their electric rates increase by anywhere from 20 to 50 percent, not including the billions of dollars required to upgrade the power grid to accommodate the industrial wind turbines. Should the NJBPU persist in making such awards under this Fourth Solicitation, we will pursue all available legal avenues to ensure that any resultant contract is challenged and overturned in accordance with applicable law.
- We filed litigation (Lawsuit #4) on April 26, 2024, against the NJ Department of Environmental Protection and Atlantic Shores in the NJ Appeals Court challenging that the agency violated the NJ Coastal Zone Management Act. The New Jersey appeals court has been asked to overturn the state’s approval of a plan to construct up to 200 industrial wind turbine generators off the state’s coast. We have asked Appellate Division to find that an approval granted to the Atlantic Shores I and Atlantic Shores II projects on April 1 fails to consider evidence in the record showing the project will bring harm to the fishing industry, marine species, and the sea floor. The appellants claim the approval was arbitrary, capricious and relies on future unknown measures to combat harm to the ecology, the economy and to species. According to the appellants, the state Department of Environmental Protection acted outside its statutory delegation when it found the Atlantic Shores I and II projects complied with the state’s Coastal Zone Management Act. The lawsuit was filed by Defend Brigantine Beach, Save LBI, and Protect Our Coast NJ.
The following are details behind our major meetings, educational forums, events, and fundraisers to enable us to perform our mission. This does not include the dozens of Press Articles, Opinions, and Technical Reports that can be found on our website under the “INFORMATION” Tab. Our Board and Committee members have devoted thousands of hours of their own time working for you to save our beaches from this pending environmental and economical disaster called “Offshore Wind.”
January 2023
- We held our first organizational meeting to establish our official 501-c3 Organization and Incorporation named Defend Brigantine Beach. (December 2022).
- In January we established our Defend Brigantine Beach Facebook page, Instagram, and Twitter Accounts. We now have close to 5000 subscribers.
- We formed a broad coalition with other organizations that share our mission and participate in weekly coordination sessions. We are currently involved with Save LBI, Protect Our Coast NJ, Save the Right Whales, and Green Oceans, and our coalition is growing significantly every week.
- We coordinated and spoke at the initiative led by Brigantine Mayor Vince Sera to support a Mayor’s Moratorium demanding a stop to constructing these wind farms until the deaths of 23 whales coincident with offshore windfarm surveying can be determined. This resulted in a Coalition of over 50 New Jersey Mayors, calling for a moratorium on all offshore wind activity until investigations are held.
- We were sorry to report that Brigantine and Atlantic City experienced three Humpback whale stranding on the beaches in December 2022, January, and February 2023. This was most likely due to the surveying activities by the sonar sounding vessels hired by Atlantic Shores.
- We supported an “Against Offshore Wind” Beach event with Clean Ocean Action.
- We developed our marketing collateral with logos on T-Shirts and Lawn Signs
- We developed an Introduction to Offshore Wind presentation and a White Paper: Examination of Offshore Wind Energy Areas (WEA) Studies, and Fact Sheets for our residents.
- We were sorry to report on a number of beached dolphins in Sea Isle City, NJ.
February 2023
- In February 2023 we joined the Brigantine Chamber of Commerce to further enhance our education and outreach in our community.
- We helped develop and coordinate and implement February 11, 2023, Brigantine Town Meeting on Offshore Wind, which attracted over 600 residents, legislators, and coastal mayors and provided information on the NJ Windfarm project.
- We voiced our opposition to offshore industrial wind projects, and concerns about offshore pre-construction activities and their potential harm to marine mammals at the February 23, 2023, Atlantic County Commissioners meeting. The Commissioners passed a 7-2 vote resolution to institute a 90-day stop of the windfarm surveying activities until a better understanding is determined regarding the deaths of the whales.
- On February 26, we presented to the Atlantic County Commissioners urging them to pass a resolution for a Moratorium against Offshore Wind
- We began participation in numerous press conferences, posted news and research articles, and supported other organizations to achieve our common goal of stopping the industrialization of our ocean. This will continue at a rapid pace as our campaign ramps up.
- We sent over 500 information postcards to Brigantine residents in the 400 Beach Block
March 2023
- We established Venmo and PayPal Accounts for Fundraising
- We marched in the Brigantine St. Patrick’s Day Parade to get our messaging out to Brigantine residents.
- We supported Cape May County informational sessions and a recent US Congressional Hearing on March 16, 2023, led by Congressman Jeff Van Drew, and prepared and submitted written testimony to the hearing
- We participated in and spoke at the recent “Protect Our Coast NJ” Rally on March 30, 2023, in Trenton, New Jersey where a Petition with close to 500,000 citizen signatures was delivered to Governor Murphy, demanding a stop to the Windfarm projects.
April 2023
- We supported the “Save the Whales” Rally in Ventor, NJ on April 2, 2023, led by Congressman Jeff VanDrew and other Legislators and beach community public officials.
- We held our first Fundraiser on to “Rally the Troops” at the Brigantine VFW (5/22)
- We completed Law Firm search and hired attorneys to lead our Legal activities.
- We established our “Go Fund Me” account and campaign.
- We filed for IRS 501-h Status.
- We established “information exchange” updates with Michael Donohue, Special Council for Cape May County regarding the Orsted Ocean Wine 1 project.
May 2023
- We and several Citizens Action Groups purchased a two-page newspaper layout in several prominent newspapers with a letter addressed to Mads Nipper, CEO of ORSTED urging him and his investors to cancel the Ocean Wind 1 project.
- We participated in a Keller Williams Real Estate Open House to educate local realtors on the economic damage to real estate values associated with Offshore Wind and loss of tourism economy.
- We held our second Fundraiser at Mission Café in Brigantine.
- We were interviewed by CFACT Nation, filming in Brigantine on the Ocean.
- We developed a comprehensive presentation for Offshore Wind to educate our residents and followers
- We filed for a NJ License for “Games of Chance” to support our Fundraising activities.
- April Beach Clean-up
- We began our education and outreach booth at the Saturday Brigantine Farmers Market. (May through September)
- We supported an Offshore Wind event in Point Pleasant Beach with Mayor Paul Kanitra. (5/13)
- We participated at a Margate Community Event Offshore Wind Forum with Mayor Vince Sera, NJ Assembly persons Guardian and Swift, NJ Senator Polistina, and US Congressman Jeff Van Drew. (5/20)
- Brigantine Beach Clean-up (5/20)
- We submitted a letter to the Press of Atlantic city showing the impact of offshore wind on Atlantic City Casinos.
- Attended the Offshore Wind Energy Conference at Rowan University.
- We developed a presentation: Offshore Wind Impacts on Tourism in Brigantine and Atlantic County (Go to the “Get Informed” Tab on our website).
June 2023
- We participated in a “Against Offshore Wind Rally” in Long Branch, NY. (6/10)
- We implemented Sign-up Genius for volunteer activities and held a volunteer meeting at the Brigantine VFW (6/13)
- June Beach Clean-up (6/17)
- We attended Atlantic Shores Public Meetings and Webcasts. (6/22)
- We participated in “Save the East Coast” Event in Brant Beach, NJ. (6/24)
- We attended a Cape May Public Information Session with Congressman Jeff Van Drew, Cape May Lead Commissioner Len Desiderio, and Attorney Michael Donahue. (6/24)
- Our new Defend Brigantine Beach Website GOES LIVE! (6/28)
- We started our weekly newsletter with over 700 subscribers.
- We developed a presentation: “Offshore Wind Environmental Impacts at the Jersey Shore” (Go to the “Get Informed” Tab on our website).
- We developed a presentation” “Property Analysis: Offshore Wind Impact to Brigantine Real Estate Values” (Go to the “Get Informed” Tab on our website).
July 2023
- We participated in “Arms Across the Beach Against Offshore Wind.” (7/2)
- We held a Fundraiser at the Brigantine VFW (7/15)
- We participated in the Brigantine Food Truck Festival. (7/28-30)
- We created, printed, and delivered over 10,000 Door Hangers in Brigantine and Margate has part of our Ambassadors Against Offshore Wind program (July-Aug)
- We contracted for three billboards “Against Offshore Wind” to run through Labor Day weekend.
- We submitted written comments to the US Bureau of Ocean and Environmental Management for the Atlantic Shores South Draft Environmental Impact Statement. (Go to the “Get Informed” Tab on our website).
August 2023
- We led and participated in “Hands Across the Sky Against Offshore Wind” at the Atlantic City Airshow. (8/16)
- Beach Clean-up (8/19)
- Supported an “Against Offshore Wind Rally” at Stockton University. (8/31)
- Held a “Dine and Donate” Fundraiser at the Pub at St. George.
- Supported a Save LBI Event in Barnegat Light, NJ. “Promises and Realities of Wind Turbines.”
- Provided written and verbal public input to the Atlantic Shores South Green Acres Hearings in Atlantic City. (Go to the “Get Informed” Tab on our website).
- Submitted written comments to the NJEPA for Atlantic Shores South Green Acres. (Go to the “Get Informed” Tab on our website).
- Held a Legal Strategy Meeting with our core Citizens Action Groups and Attorneys.
September 2023
- We held a Labor Day Family Educational event and fundraiser
- We hired a three banner planes to fly along Brigantine beach with the message: “Saving The Planet DOES NOT MEAN Destroying the Ocean!”
- We leased another billboard.
- We supported a Protect Our Coast Rally against the offshore cable landing in Ocean City. (9/12)
- Brigantine Beach Clean-up. (9/16)
- We held our Fall Cocktail Party Fundraiser at Sophia’s in Margate, NJ. (9/30)
- We presented an Overview of Offshore Wind and Associated Damages at the Brigantine Yacht Club.
- We supported a Save LBI Fundraiser.
October 2023
- We attended a SaveOurWhales.org Rally (10/11)
- We attended the Smithville Fall Festival and educated on-shore residents about the damages associated with Offshore Wind.
- We submitted written comments to the NJ Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) for Atlantic Shores South Offshore Wind Federal Consistency Certificate associated with the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA). (Go to the “Get Informed” Tab on our website).
- We supported activities with Save the East Coast regarding a report correlating the death of the Whales to Offshore Surveying Ships hired by the Offshore Wind companies.
November 2023
- We held an educational event in Point Pleasant, NJ. (11/6)
- We supported a Fundraiser for Protect Our Coast NJ.
- We added Downbeach municipalities (Atlantic City, Ventor, Margate, and Longport) to our organization to increase our outreach in Atlantic County.
- We wrote a press release called “We are Not Done Yet” and developed plans and new merchandise to include Downbeach in our name.
- We added two coordinators from Downbeach to our Committee.
December 2023
- We wrote a Newspaper Ad Open Letter to Governor Murphy and Atlantic Shores; “An Appeal to Stop the Madness.”
- We posted an excellent video and report showing the visual impact of offshore wind turbines in operation off of Walney Island in the United Kingdom. This is an excellent visual representation of operational turbines in the ocean and is exactly what we will see off of our shores. Thank you to Mike Bauerle for making this trip and providing an excellent report. (Go to the “Get Informed” Tab on our website).
- Two of our committee members hosted a Defend Brigantine Beach appreciation party for our volunteers and supporters Thanks to all of you who supported us in 2023. We are not done yet!!! Stay with us in 2024 and continue to donate to our mission.